Nanjing Week
Heritage Bridges is participating in Nanjing Week 2024 Bridges of Harmony online event. This is a key community awareness event and each year Nanjing Week invites overseas interests to participate. In 2024, the theme is "Bridges of Harmony" and it means both physical bridges as Nanjing is bisected by the Yangtze River and has five major bridges as well as the concept of multi-cultural bridges.

Melanger Estranger
Yuka Puriko is a Japanese designer who merged African Fabrics with Japanese Kawaii Culture, known as Lolita. She created a fall collection in 2023 called LolitaXAfrica. Yuka hopes to create more design pieces, merging the beauty of diverse cultures into beautiful designs.

Mass Speaks
A coalition advocating for the passage of An Act Relative to Language Access and Inclusion (H.3084/S.1990) in Massachusetts

Winchester School of Chinese Culture
The school seeks to provide students with a foundation for future learning and to cultivate a life-long interest in the language and cultural traditions of China by creating an enjoyable learning environment.