Melanger Estranger

Yuka Puriko

AfricaXLolita by Mélange Etranger is a unique collection inspired by the fusion of "African Lolita" aesthetics. This distinctive blend incorporates vibrant "African fabrics" discovered by the designer during her volunteering mission in the Republic of Benin, West Africa, with the iconic "Lolita fashion" emblematic of Japan's Kawaii culture. This brand represents the designer's second foray into the world of fashion.


The Designer's Message

For many in Japan, Africa may seem distant and unfamiliar, often marred by negative stereotypes of poverty and disease. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Africa is teeming with natural beauty, vitality, and an inherent sense of generosity and joy. Its people are resilient, positive, and exhibit a timeless sense of style and beauty across all age groups.

The Brand Name

With this vision in mind, Mélange Etranger Africa Lolita was born. The name itself reflects a union of cultures – "Melanger" signifying a mix, "Etranger" representing the foreign, and the amalgamation of Japan, Europe, and Africa. The aim is to create a new form of Kawaii by blending the rich tapestry of diverse cultures, fostering mutual understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of each other's traditions.Through "Melanger Etranger Africa Lolita," the brand endeavors to bring the delightful, luminous, and positive aspects of Africa to people worldwide. Additionally, the casual line, "Melanger Etranger Journey," explores the theme of "Africa in everyday life," further igniting a love for Africa and supporting those dedicated to making a difference on the continent.It is our hope that anyone who encounters Melanger Etranger's clothing experiences a day as bright, positive, and radiant as the African sun.