

Bill's Sponsor Endorsement

Heritage Bridge's Letter of Recognition from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Rep. Adrian C. Madaro.

Bill H.3084: An Act relative to language access and inclusion:

By Representatives Madaro of Boston and González of Springfield, a petition (accompanied by bill, House, No. 3084) of Adrian C. Madaro, Carlos González and others for legislation to require state agencies to provide timely, culturally competent oral language services to all limited English proficiency individuals who seek to access services, programs, or activities. State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.

Pressing Challenges

One of the most common and pressing challenges elderly immigrants face is obtaining necessary medications. This issue is particularly evident in Massachusetts, where many elderly immigrants have shared their deep frustrations with the pharmacy system. The process of retrieving prescribed medicine is often described as not only inconvenient but also overwhelming due to the significant language barrier. Many elders report that pharmacists and staff do not provide enough assistance, leaving them struggling to communicate their needs effectively. Without proper translation services or interpreters, they are left uncertain about crucial details like dosages, medication instructions, potential side effects, and even how to request refills—putting their health and safety at risk.



Nicole Han(创始人/执行董事)致辞

为什么选择 H.3084 法案?

今年夏天,我有幸在马萨诸塞州众议院议员迈克尔·戴 (Michael Day) 手下实习。在为期一个月的实习期间,我发现自己对倡导活动有着浓厚的兴趣,并获得了响应选民需求的实践经验,同时仔细分析了通过法案所涉及的立法程序。回顾这段经历,我现在更加坚定地倡导 H.3084 法案,该法案解决了语言访问和包容性方面的关键问题。




过去四年来,我一直致力于为 150 多名来自中国和美国的老年移民教授英语。这项工作让我对老年移民面临的挑战有了更深入的了解,尤其是当他们试图在新的环境中应对日常生活时。自 2024 年 1 月以来,我注意到班上的老年人提出了越来越多的担忧,尤其是他们在寻求医疗保健等基本服务时遇到的语言障碍。数十名老年人反复提出的一个问题是缺乏口译员,以及关键医疗文件和药品的翻译服务质量差,这使得在医疗系统中寻求帮助变得越来越困难和紧张。